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Brain Trust: Website Pain Points

Join us Wednesday, March 1, at 2:00 pm EST

The OHO U Brain Trust Logo

Does your website lack a consistent brand voice and content strategy across the site?
Do you have too many content authors who aren’t trained to use the CMS effectively or deliver and maintain strong content?
Do you suffer from copy that is not optimized for search engines (SEO)?
Do you have 77 items in your Quick Links list?

Let's come together and talk through your website pain points, share ideas and solutions, and make our websites less painful!

Rachel Reuben Senor, Vice President, Account Strategy
Rachel Reuben Senior, Vice President of Account Strategy, OHO Interactive

Rachel Reuben Senor has over 25 years of marketing and leadership experience in higher education from her roles at SUNY New Paltz, Ithaca College, Colgate University, California College of the Arts, and consulting. She owned her own business as a senior marketing leadership consultant to higher education. In this capacity, she served as interim vice president for marketing and worked alongside CMOs and college Presidents to help them with their marketing operations. Rachel is a well-respected speaker and commentator within higher education. As Vice President, Account Strategy at OHO, Rachel brings new perspectives to our clients on long-term strategy, organizational design, and enrollment marketing. She leads our OHO U webinar series and conferences and consults with clients on organizational and operational assessments of their marketing and communication departments.

Leigh Jajuga, Digital & Content Strategist
Leigh Jajuga, Digital & Content Strategist, OHO Interactive

Leigh is experienced in leading digital strategy teams with a history of writing, marketing, and managing multi-media content for higher education, business-to-business print and web publications, social media and non-profit organizations. She's most passionate about understanding user journeys, diving into data and analytics, creating inclusive & accessible digital environments, and empowering web content authors through training and education.

Leigh has a strong professional background in media and communications, and a dual-major B.S. degree in Creative Writing and Women's Studies from Central Michigan University.

Kara Sassone, Senior Account Manager
Kara Sassone, Senior Account Manager, OHO Interactive

Kara has worked as a television journalist, web producer in higher ed and now a digital account manager - not a path she ever saw herself taking, but one she's enjoyed because throughout she has been working with people and helping to share their stories. Having worked in higher education she knows what many of her clients are facing and is here to support you!

Join Us March 1 at 2:00 pm EST